Being a computer user, I'm sure that there are times when your computer starts to slow down and programs can take an age to start up. Even booting the computer takes forever and this can be very frustrating especially for those who use their PC's for work. There are many things that can cause these declines in performance but one of the most common problems is windows registry errors. This article will hopefully shed some light on what the windows registry is and how we can keep it in good working order.

The windows registry contains settings of all the software that is installed on your computer. These settings make our software run the way we want them. For example when we add our favourite picture to the desktop background, the computer remembers that we want that picture displayed and stores it in the registry. Another example would be the computer remembering our preferred font or default font in a word processor. Any and every software setting is stored in the windows registry and this is why it must be kept in good order.

Windows registry errors can arrive on our machines from software programs that may have been installed or uninstalled incorrectly. We can also get errors in the windows registry from virus and spyware infections. Keeping a registry error free is an essential part of computer maintenance.

Repairing registry errors can be done by using a registry editor. The trouble with this method is that if you are not completely sure about where the registry key is that is casing errors then it is possible that the wrong key may be deleted which could stop software working correctly or in a worst case scenario, it could leave your PC unable to boot. So be careful, if you are unsure don't risk it.

Fortunately there is an easy way to fix windows registry errors that anybody can do, no matter what level of computer experience they have and that is to use a software program to scan for and repair windows registry errors. Using this method is much safer because registry repair software will backup the registry before any errors are repaired so that if things should go wrong they can be fixed easily.

Once downloaded the registry repair software is simple to install and takes only a couple of minutes. When installed we can then scan the windows registry for errors and again this should only take a couple of minutes but may take a little longer if errors are found. When the scan is completed a message will be displayed informing you of the results of the scan and if there are any errors contained in the registry.

If there are no errors, congratulations, but remember to scan your registry regularly to keep the registry in good order. If there are errors in the registry don't worry, these can easily be fixed in just a couple of clicks and the software will walk you through fixing these errors. After registry errors are fixed you will notice a performance increase meaning programs will start quicker and boot times will improve.

Tom Walsh runs a successful registry repair software website here
Article Source: by Tom Walsh