Kaspersky Lab in Software Top 100 list

Kaspersky Lab, the leading developer of secure content management systems, has been included in the ratings list of the world's leading software companies, called the Software Top 100.

The Software Top 100 is compiled by the respected Top 100 Research Foundation. Software companies were ranked according to their revenues based on software sales during 2008.

Kaspersky Lab ranks 76th on the list and is the only Russian software company to be included in the Software Top 100. Compared to 2007, the company achieved revenue growth of 177 per cent. That equates to an almost threefold increase in turnover for the period concerned. This makes Kaspersky Lab the second fastest-growing company after Google with a 64 per cent higher growth rate than its nearest rival, said a company statement.

According to the experts at Top 100 Research, if Kaspersky Lab sustains its present growth rate, it will rise from its current fourth place in the global ranking of antivirus vendors in the next few years.